Monday, April 7, 2008

Top 5 Sodas/Top 10 Movies

I had to introduce someone to Ghostbusters last night. Yes. Introduce. Yes, that movie was made in 1984. I know, I know. I don't get it. During the credits, my friend was impressed that Dan Aykroyd (and Harold Ramis) wrote it. I mentioned that Harold Ramis wrote Stripes, also. Didn't see that. Seriously, two of my top tens not even on the radar. Then I find out Wayne's World wasn't on her list either. Are. You. Kidding? Apparently someone was raised by wolves. So, a Top Ten must ensue for certain feral peoples. Oh and top 5 sodas just sort of happened. Good call on Jered's part, though.

Bennett's Top 5 Sodas

Bennett's Top 10 Movies
  1. Ghostbusters 1 & 2
  2. Wayne's World
  3. Stripes
  4. Brick
  5. Spaceballs
  6. Revenge of the Nerds
  7. Rushmore
  8. Fletch & Fletch Lives
  9. Network
  10. Seven Samurai
Jered Top 5 Sodas
Jered's Top 10 Movies
  1. better off dead
  2. pulp fiction
  3. waynes world
  4. o brother where art thou
  5. the godfather
  6. apocalypse now
  7. a clockwork orange
  8. the shining
  9. the wizard of oz
  10. chuck & buck

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