Sunday, April 6, 2008

10 Things You Should Be Doing but Aren't

top 10 things you should be doing and aren't

01. i have 3 tickets. it is likely i will not deal with any of them.
02. dental hygiene... brushing teeth before bed and flossing.
03. yard work. my neighbor had to do mine. it was embarrassing.
04. exercise.
05. processed foods in your diet.
06. quitting smoking.
07. cutting back on drinking.
08. finding a career path.
09. volunteering.
10. living simply.

Take a look at this top 10 and see if you can find the pattern...
  1. Sex Ethics Paper
  2. Media & Society Paper (x2)
  3. American Popular Music Homework (generally)
  4. Looking for jobs/ houses/apartments in Portland
  5. Reducing overall consumption of whiskey
  6. Governmental Relations Committee By-Laws
  7. DC Report to the Senate
  8. Making Appointments
  9. Cutting back on the name dropping
  10. Literature Review on the Iowa Caucuses

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