Wednesday, December 24, 2008


brittany shedd chooses:

katy perry - one of the boys
i gave mark so much shit for liking 'i kissed a girl' so much, but when 'hot and cold' came out... i was so down. cd purchased. this record is mostly nostalgic, it reminds me of 90% of the fun i had this year... how could it not be on my list?
the jam: hot n cold

vampire weekend - vampire weekend
this record reminds me of sitting in the store with shelly and miah, jammin some vinyl. i didn't give it a shot until my father recommended it to me. this record is fun in a way that is rarely done.
the jam: oxford coma [for sentimental reasons]

adelle - 19
another jem from mom and dad. her voice is magical. i'm so down.
the jam: cold shoulder

patrick watson - close to paradise
travis brought this for me from austin. i've never been so impressed with anything in my life. the way he plays and his voice... dammit. it's so good.
the jam: slip into your skin

greg laswell - how the day sounds ep
i was not as impressed with his full length that came out this year as i was with the ep. laswell is likely the most honest songwriter i have heard in a long time. i adore him.
the jam: high and low, all of the songs are amazing though

beck - modern guilt
oh beck. never letting me down. you've all heard this...
the jam: youthless

dear and the headlights - drunk like bible times
favorite local band. bob hoag did the record so you knew before you got it that it was going to be amazing. plus, with an album name like that, how could you go wrong?
the jam: if not for my glasses

black keys - the attack and release
i really liked this record. and then i saw them and i loved this record. there is something almost haunting about it.
the jam: all you ever wanted

alive in wild paint - ceilings
first, this is my favorite album artwork of the year. although i'm not excited about the way it was recorded like a lot of the rest of the albums. trav's voice is one of my favorite things in the world. the bass lines are sweet. there are some intense one liners in the lyrics... i am only mostly biased about this.
the jam: crystal selves

margot and the nuclear so and so's - animal!/ not animal! [duh]
so epic wanted the put out one record, margot wanted to put out another. so the compromise? they put out both calling epic's record not animal! and the margot record animal! they encouraged fans to first listen to animal! then not animal! if they felt it was appropriate. animal! consists of a lot of new songs no one has ever heard, not animal! has a lot of songs fans already knew as demos. [i knew 7 of the 12 songs when i got it] the albums have 4 common tracks.[but if you ask me, they sound better on animal!]
the jam: oh what a nightmare! for animal! and pages written on a wall for not animal!

honorable mentions:
ratatat - lp3 [i feel like a jerk for putting this down here]
sigur ros - med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust [this one too]
tilly and the wall - o [this should be on my favorite shows list too, for a lot of reasons]
the mars volta - bedlam in goliath
kings of leon - only by the night
she and him - volume 1
nada surf - lucky
the killers - day and age

things i got into that had no new records:
saul williams
the cardigans
brian jamestown massacre [15 years later]
robert plant and alison krauss
native korean rock

jenny lewis - acid tounge
death cab for cutie - narrow stairs
conor oberst - conor oberst
the counting crows - saturday nights, sunday mornings